
关于 GFD Awards:
全球未来设计奖(Global Future Design Awards)由顶尖建筑媒体品牌Architecture Press Release于2016年发起,是世界上最负盛名的建筑、室内和产品设计奖项之一。该奖注重作品对新技术、材料、功能、美学、空间组织的研究和探索,以及全球化、灵活性、适应性和数字革新的呈现,该奖项提供了一个探讨建筑与自然世界、建筑与社区、建筑师与城市之间关系的平台。历届获奖项目有来自Foster+Partners,AECOM&CordoganClark&Associates,ArepInternational等世界顶尖建筑事务所。

安缇缦位于浙江省绍兴市穿岩十九峰景区。安缇缦取自 Andaman Sea,意为静谧之境,而安缇缦十九峰以人的山水居舍的度假生活日常为线索,以四季物候为媒介,将“诗意”自然极致地渗透到人的感官体验中,用至全感官来呈现人生美学,来安缇缦十九峰,安心体验慢生活。建筑将自然原色调融入到设计当中,追求与自然的简单和谐,将建筑与自然景观融为一体。
Near the Nineteenth Peaks scenic area of Xinchang County, Shaoxing City, Zhejiang Province, the project is located in the Andaman tourist resort. Taken from Andaman Sea, it means a quiet place, and the Nineteenth Peaks takes the daily life of people’s landscape and water residences as a clue, and uses the phenology of the four seasons as the medium to penetrate the “poetry” naturally into people’s sensory experience, using all senses to present the aesthetics of life, come to Andaman life, and experience slow life with peace of mind. The building incorporates natural tones into the design,pursues simple harmony with nature, and integrates architecture with natural landscape.

The architect singled out natural and traditional elements such as mountains, stones, roofs,
windows, and reorganized them into important symbols of the new architectural form.

The east side of the building is integrated with natural river channels and villages. The deconstructed and reorganized eaves, the scattered cornices, the gray walls and heavy eaves of the village on the other side of the road bring out the best of each other. It represents the perfect transition from traditional style to modernity. The northeast side is blended into natural landscape. It emphasizes the integration between nature and daily urban life.

Program Information:
Gold Winner
Global Future Design Awards 2022
Andaman Life Space
Small Building (Under Construction)
Regalia Group
FU Jiquan
Shaoxing City, Zhejiang Province, China